Connecting To The New Wireless Configuration

While inside our HASD buildings wireless devices including district and personal can be connected to our wireless network.


The following steps provided will show you how to connect to the HASD Public network.


Though these steps have been completed on an Android system, the process is the same on all devices:


Start up the device and open a web browser. On IOS use Safari, Windows use Internet Explorer and Android use either ‘Browser’ or Chrome.

Type: into the URL box. You will see the usual link to gain access to the HASD Public Network.

The next page will also start familiar but will be shorter and has a second part to it.

Scroll down and either use your network login to enter the service or continue as a guest user. We are going to continue as a guest for this demo. If you have a login for the district you may use this at this time and follow the onscreen prompts to gain access.

Once Register as a Guest has been clicked, the next window outlines what the user is agreeing to in accordance with the school and state policy for acceptable internet use. We will check accept and click to complete the registration.

Once you have accepted the terms and clicked to complete the registration it will think for a few moments before granting you access. Once you have been notified of your access you are free to use the URL or your bookmarks to browse the internet.


Welcome to HASD Public!


If you require further assistance with your wireless related activities please do not hesitate to contact IT via email to